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"Dovie" character; illustration of cartoon dove

Hi boys and girls! I'm Dovie. (I'm called Dovie because I'm a dove).  Let's talk about Easter!

Many people today believe that Easter is just a holiday that celebrates the Easter bunny and is a day when you get a  big basket of candy, however, Easter is actually a MUCH more important day! For Christians, Easter is actually one of the holiest and most important days of the year.  "Holiest" means sacred or dedicated  to God. 


Why is Easter one of the most important days of the year for Christians? Because Easter is when Christians celebrate Jesus Christ's triumph over death itself! The Easter holiday and Holy Week (right before Easter Sunday) is a time when Christians remember Jesus's sacrifice (when he died for our sins) on the Cross at Calvary and His resurrection (when he came back to life) three days later. Some of the ways that Christians celebrate Easter is by worshipping Jesus, giving Him thanks, singing, going to church and praying. 

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